‘Whether you are a new writer or a seasoned writer looking to find out more about novel planning, this two in one guidebook and journal can help. It covers absolutely everything and I had so much fun creating the content and designing every page by hand.’
– Amanda J Evans

When browsing through my Facebook feed recently I saw that award-winning Irish author Amanda J Evans had been very busy this past year working on something very exciting, The Novel Planning Journal. I asked Amanda if I could feature it here on my blog as it is such a fantastic idea and I know many of you would be delighted to have a journal like this to assist you in your writing journey. So what is it about?
The Novel Planning Journal is a tool that can be used by all writers, beginner and advanced. It is a guidebook and journal in one and it covers everything you need to know about writing a novel. If you’ve never written a book, The Novel Planning Journal will essentially take you by the hand and walk you through step by step on how to plan out your story and get ready for typing up your first draft.
If you’ve written a book (or twenty) and want to learn more about planning, or just want a journal that contains all your story ideas, The Novel Planning Journal is great. There are pages for your pitch, blurb, synopsis, character plans, setting, and pages for planning up to 40 chapters.

[ About The Novel Planning Journal ]
Award-winning Irish author Amanda J Evans’ new novel planning journal takes writers, both beginner and expert, through the novel planning stages from start to finish. In this two in one book, you get expert advice and a step-by-step process as well as blank journal pages that you can fill in as you go along.
This guided approach to getting the bones of your story down on paper is a great way to identify plot holes and come up with a fully comprehensive plan for your first draft.
Containing all the necessary information, The Novel Planning Journal takes you from title right the way through to planning out every chapter.
Topics covered include:
• Questions to determine what your novel is going to be about
• The Pitch – How to summarise your story in one sentence
• The Blurb – How to entice readers to pick up your book
• The Synopsis – How to write a synopsis of varying lengths
• Character Profiling – Creating memorable characters through a series of questions including character goals, belief systems, and challenges.
• Story Setting – How to ensure your setting matches the story. This includes temporal, environmental, and individual setting.
• Story Structure, Narrative, Tense, Time Span
• Plot – Beginning, Middle, End
• Sub-Plot
• Book Structure – 3 Act Structure and what happens in each part
• Novel Length
• What Agents/Publishers want – Assessing your first three chapters
• Opening Lines
• Chapter Planning – The 8 parts that make up a story
• Using Plot Beats
By completing the journal sections as you move through this guide you will have a clear outline for your story and an outstanding novel to write. Even if you’re a pantser, this book is going to be invaluable. You can fill in as much or as little as you want.
Start writing your best book today. With The Novel Planning Journal, you’ll go from blank page to novel outline so you can start writing your next bestseller.
Who Is The Novel Planning Journal For?
The Novel Planning Journal is a tool that can be used by all writers, beginner and advanced. It is a guidebook and journal in one and it covers everything you need to know about writing a novel. If you’ve never written a book, The Novel Planning Journal will essentially take you by the hand and walk you through step by step on how to plan out your story and get ready for typing up your first draft.
If you’ve written a book (or twenty) and want to learn more about planning, or just want a journal that contains all your story ideas, The Novel Planning Journal is great. There are pages for your pitch, blurb, synopsis, character plans, setting, and pages for planning up to 40 chapters.
How Can I Purchase The Novel Planning Journal?
You can now preorder your copy of The Novel Planning Journal in hardback or paperback and have it delivered on the week beginning the 13th of November. Postage and packaging for Ireland and the UK is set at €4.95. If you wish to order from outside of these countries, please contact Amanda J Evans first for postage costs. See link below.
Purchase Link – The Novel Planning Journal

[ Bio ]
“I am a freelance writer, poet, and author. I live in Co. Meath, Ireland with my husband and two children. My writing was published in several magazines and journals in 2016, 2017 and 2018. I am also the author of Surviving Suicide: A Memoir from Those Death Left Behind, published in 2012. When I’m not writing for work clients, I am usually reading the latest novels from some of the amazing indie authors out there, or sharing snippets from my latest manuscripts with my husband and children.
I’ve always loved writing. My passion began at a very young age and I wrote my first book at the age of 9. Writing my first full-length novella, Finding Forever, was my first step into the fiction publishing world and while I was nervous, I was also very excited. This has been my dream for so long and to finally have the courage to pen stories and publish them is something I always wanted to do.“
You can read more about Amanda over at http://amandajevans.com/
Twitter – @amandajevans
Although I’m never likely to write a novel, as a stationery addict this does sound rather tempting… ;D
I thought the same also when I saw Amanda launch it over on Facebook. A great idea!
I’ll be buying this for my husband for Christmas. He loves reading books about writing and I’m sure there’s at least one novel lurking inside him!
Oh what a wonderful idea. Thank you so much. I really hope he feels inspired!