Thank you so much for dropping by. It’s an absolute delight to have you here. I do hope you enjoy my blog posts with all my ramblings. I wanted to share with you why I chose the name Swirl and Thread and also a little about me, myself and I, so I hope you can indulge me a minute.
Swirl and Thread was an idea that was inspired by my pure frustration of not being as active on Social Media as I wanted to be. My background was telecoms and I felt that technology and this new world of communicating was suddenly passing me by.
Knowing absolutely nothing about the world of blogging, I embarked on an adventure that would lead me to many wonderful places.
When the notion of a blog arrived in my head, my initial thoughts were to write about sewing, but I soon discovered I didn’t have sufficient knowledge to sustain a blog. My other long time passion has always been books, so in my eyes they were a match made in heaven, hence the name Swirl and Thread.
I was visualizing the swirl of words on a page and the thread of a story working together to make a great book. Also swirls and thread are synonymous with sewing….
I started Swirl and Thread in March 2016 and it is constantly changing as I grow with it. Currently my main content is very much books related. I really didn’t ever realise what a mad mad world the book blogging arena is. I have met so many amazing people, both on- and offline and I have been honoured to read many incredible books.
I hope you will stay with me, as both myself and my blog evolve in an ever changing environment and thank you so much for dropping by.
Mairéad xx
(Updated 2nd September 2020)