‘Suppose you wake up one morning to find yourself dead. You can see yourself clearly in the mirror, and feel the same as you did the day before. But today is the day of your funeral. What do you do?’
– The Day Henry Died
It is a great pleasure to welcome author Lynda Renham today introducing her new release, described as ‘a supernatural romance’, The Day Henry Died (published June 1st)

Thank you to Mairead for having me on her blog today. I am very excited to be sharing my new novel with everyone. It has been quite a while since I released a new book.
If you have read my books in the past you will know that I write both romantic comedies and psychological thrillers. You can check my other books out by following the links below.
The past year life happened and not in a good way and I found I couldn’t write. I just didn’t seem able to concentrate. Then, of course, came lockdown and the virus and I think we are all finding it hard to concentrate. It’s a very surreal experience and we are all coping in different ways. I hope you are staying safe and enjoying reading as an escape.
Some time ago a seed was planted in my brain and from that an idea grew and that idea turned into the novel ‘The Day Henry Died’
If you like the paranormal and romance then you will enjoy this. A romance with a difference. I thought it would be interesting to write from the perspective of someone who feels they are most certainly here but no one else thinks they are. Enjoy.
‘Henry is an everyday bloke who one day wakes up to discover he is dead. Of course, he refuses to believe this at first, who would? But when he takes his usual bus to work and no one seems to see him, Henry gets slightly anxious. Then, later at work when everyone ignores him, Henry has to face his dilemma. He is dead and yet he feels more alive than ever. What to do?
The next step, Henry decides is to see his doctor to find out exactly what is wrong with him but in the meantime he needs a drink and some painkillers. He decides to get these from the local supermarket where he is amazed to find that Rita a product demonstrator can see, touch and hear him. Together they embark on a journey to discover what has happened to Henry with a surprising twist at the end.’
Purchase link ~ amazon.co.uk
Purchase link ~ amazon.com
I do hope you enjoy the novel. If you want to know more about me or would like to join me on social media check out the links below. I look forward to connecting with you.
Facebook ~ https://www.facebook.com/lynda.Renham
Twitter ~ https://twitter.com/Lyndarenham
Blog ~ http://www.renham.co.uk
Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/lyndarenham/?hl=en
Much love Lynda x

[ Bio ]
Lynda Renham is author to many popular romantic comedy and gripping psychological thriller novels. She lives in Oxford, UK. She has appeared on BBC radio discussion programs and is a prolific blogger, Twitter and when not writing can usually be found wasting her time on Facebook.
Lynda lives in Oxfordshire with her second husband and two cats.