‘A sensitive woman fearing insanity……’
Fear Dreams is written by American author J.A. Schneider.
A former staffer of Newsweek, Joyce Schneider is the author of the Embryo series of books and the soon to be published ‘Her Last Breath’.
I am delighted to be on tour with Joyce for her new release later in the month with a fab Q & A, but in the meantime here’s my review of Fear Dreams.
I hope you enjoy!!!
Book Blurb:
Liddy Barron, an artist, was injured in a hit-and-run accident that left her with recurring nightmares, partial amnesia, and an increasing obsession in the disappearance of a coed named Sasha Perry.
Was Sasha murdered?
Insecure and nervous, Liddy’s turmoil grows as she begins seeing ghostly images. Her husband Paul tries to help but suspects it’s just her imagination…while intuitive Detective Kerri Blasco, also obsessed with young Sasha’s disappearance, senses that Liddy may have a key to solving the case, and tries to unravel the shocking truth of what really haunts her.’

Liddy Barron is recovering from a traumatic accident that left her incapacitated for a couple of months. Now coming back to herself, she and her husband Paul, decide it is time to move on with their lives.
With the help of Liddy’s friend Beth, an estate agent, Liddy and Paul find the apartment of their dreams. The apartment has it’s own tragic history, but undaunted, Paul and Liddy put in an offer and make plans for their new life in Soho.
Liddy, an artist, is delighted with the space the new apartment will provide her and sets about, with zeal, the restoration and decoration of their new home.
During her recovery Liddy had been having nightmares and had engaged the services of a psychiatrist to assist with her recuperation. The nightmares had abated, but all of a sudden they start up again. Liddy, unable to recall the accident or the events leading up to it, is frustrated and confused. Her memory loss, with the frightening recurrence of these very ‘real’ dreams, sets Liddy off on a journey of discovery.
What really happened to her?
Why is she having such vivid dreams of someone she has never met?
Paul is increasingly busy on a new project he is involved with and Liddy finds herself alone for long periods of time. During this time, Liddy starts to have rather disturbing supernatural experiences. Paul, as a scientist, works on facts and Liddy finds herself unable to explain these encounters fully with Paul, leaving her increasingly exasperated and upset.
Meanwhile, Detective Kerri Blasco is the remaining cop left looking after the case of the unexplained disappearance of a university student, Sasha Perry. Kerri has never been satisfied with the case and felt there were quite a number of unexplained loose ends. Determined and resolute, Kerri leaves no stone unturned.
Paths cross and it is not long before Kerri and Liddy find themselves both involved in trying to establish the whereabouts of Sasha Perry. Both women, undaunted by the obstacles in front of them, persist in their search for the truth…a truth which will change their lives forever..
J.A. Schneider has written a fast paced novel with some very intriguing characters.
I found myself rooting for Liddy from the beginning. Her frustration with her memory loss and her absolute determination to discover the truth, draw the reader right in.
Is Liddy going mad?
Are the visions a trick of the light or are they the onset of something more sinister?
Kerri Blasco, is a cop with the right mix of empathy and determination. She is hard when she has to be but also we get to see a very human side to her. She takes no prisoners and has gained the respect of all her colleagues for her ability to be so tenacious in her approach to many cases.
Kerri likes a challenge and with the support of her team, she is determined to uncover the truth behind Sasha’s disappearance.
Fear Dreams packs a punch for such a short book, at just over 200 pages. It carries a mix of genres throughout the plotline, thus appealing to the reader who may be interested in the paranormal or the psychological. It is full of suspense and mystery.
I’m delighted that Kerri Blasco is soon to return in another fast paced psychological thriller from J.A. Schneider, entitled ‘Her Last Breath’.
Fear Dreams is available now at : https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01CRD2A1E

About the Author:
J.A. (Joyce Anne) Schneider is a former staffer at Newsweek. Words and story ideas are always teeming in her head – “a colorful place!” she says. She’s a wife, mother, and loves thrillers and medical thrillers.
Once a Liberal Arts major (French and Spanish Literature), she has become increasingly fascinated with medicine and forensic science.
Decades of being married to a physician who loves explaining medical concepts and reliving his experiences means that there’ll be medical angles even in “regular” thrillers that she writes.
She invites you to follow her on Twitter – https://twitter.com/#!/JoyceSchneider1
or Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/7fm44mk
or Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5832782.J_A_Schneider