I am feeling very honoured and excited to have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by fellow book bloggers Ronnie Turner and Caryl over at Mrs Bloggs Books
It’s the first time my blog has been nominated for anything so to be nominated twice is very exciting indeed 🙂
Now there are a few bits of housekeeping to be done before I can raise my award high so let me continue…
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
2. Write a post to show your award.
3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
*5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
*6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How did I start blogging??
Well I have a fantastic brother who has great enthusiasm for all things web related. He was able to spot my pure frustration of wanting to do something different and he suggested I start a blog. Now that is obviously easier said than done but with his wonderful support and IT assistance we decided I should blog about two things I was interested in ~ books and sewing. The name Swirl and Thread developed out of that.
As the months went by it wasn’t long before I realised that books were going to take over my life.
With the help and assistance of some wonderful bloggers, writers and publishers the blog took off. I have to mention Anne Cater, Anne Williams and Leah Moyse, all bloggers who backed me from the very beginning by welcoming me with open arms into their wonderful Facebook group Bookconnectors.
I am constantly thinking of new directions to go with my blog and am delighted to announce I will be kick-starting a new venture tomorrow 8th February. As I am Irish I am always very aware of the wealth of writers on my doorstep so #IrishWritersWed was incubated, researched and now I have a wonderful selection of both self published and traditionally published authors joining me over the next few months and will continue to run as long as Ireland has writers!!!
Two Pieces of Advice for New Bloggers:
1. Learn to say NO ~ the biggest mistake I made was accepting every book that came my way and also over-requesting ARCs on NetGalley.
2. Time-Management ~ probably the piece of advice I find so hard to follow myself but they are words of wisdom. Every so often (like yesterday!!) I get seriously overwhelmed with the amount I could/should be doing and feelings of guilt encroach. This is such an important piece of advice should you decide to blog. IT WILL TAKE OVER EVERY MINUTE OF YOUR LIFE IF YOU LET IT
But fear not #futurebloggers it’s a wonderful cosy feeling to be part of such a wonderful and exciting world.
There are so many positives to gain from becoming a blogger so go on…take that first step!!!!
Now this is the hard part…..selecting 15 Bloggers for the Blogger Recognition Award. There are so many wonderful bloggers each offering an exciting view into the books they have read as well as fab guest posts with authors and lot, lots more.
So aside from the two fantastic bloggers who nominated me……
My Chestnut Reading Tree ~ Joanne
Crime Book Junkie ~ Noelle
Chapter in My Life ~ Sharon
By the Letter Book Reviews ~ Sarah
Keeper of Pages ~ Janel
Random Things Through My Letterbox ~ Anne
Being Anne ~ Anne
Reflections of a Reader ~Leah
damppebbles ~ Emma
Bibliomanic ~ Katherine
Bloomin’ Brilliant Books ~ Abbie
My Reading Corner ~ Karen
Jill’s Book Cafe ~ Jill
Novel Gossip ~ Amy
The Book Review Cafe ~ Lorraine
So there you have it folks…
Blogging has been an amazing experience and one that I hope to continue as long as I love to read….looks like I’ll be around for awhile yet 🙂
There are so many amazing blogs out there covering wonderful topics from all over this mad world we live in. Dip in lads…have a peek….you might just find something you love.
Thank you all so much for your continued reading of my ramblings.
Love you all.
Mairead xx
Whoop whoop! And thanks lovely, do I have to do one of these posts now?
So v welcome Abbie. You don’t have to do a post but it is a nice little boost 🙂 xx
Congratulations on your nominations Mags. Best of luck. Xx
Thanks Car. It’s kind of a recognition among fellow bloggers really as a support for each other I guess. I was delighted to have my name in lights for a day. x
Thanks so much for the nomination Mairead, it means a lot that fellow bloggers think my blog is worth a mention, especially with so many blogs and only 15 spaces. I enjoy your ramblings. (As an aside, if you could think about putting an email box on your page I could sign up and guarantee not to miss them) 🙂
So very welcome Jill. I’m actually in the process of setting up the email sub ….bit complicated with WP but will get there soon… Step 1 completed as in the groundwork so I must set up links etc next.. I’ll let you know. Thanks for the support. xx
Thank you lovely.
Extra kisses for getting the name of the blog absolutely spot on…. THANK YOU
Congratulations and thank you lovely.
Extra kisses for getting the name of the blog absolutely spot on…. THANK YOU
Phew!!!!! I double checked I triple checked!!!! I can breathe easy now 🙂 So very welcome Emma. It is a lovely little buzz…all very much needed at the moment I think!!
Oh Mairead, I totally missed this – thank you so much! I’m really sorry I don’t have time to do a post and share, but I hope you already know that your blog is one of my favourites too. And as for your sharing – you’re an absolute star xxx
Anne I so appreciate all your support….just a little Thank You. Take care. xx
Great post! I think that is great that your brother was the one who got you into blogging 😀 also great advice shared to new bloggers too 🙂
Thank you so much Kate. Congrats to you too!! x