‘At that exact moment she knew she was going to die. It was the same moment she stopped feeling terror. Nothing mattered any more – her time had come.’
I am delighted today to be taking part in the September leg of the Blog Tour for Cat Hogan’s book They All Fall Down.
Published by Poolbeg Press, They All Fall Down is Cat Hogan’s debut novel, published earlier in the summer and what a debut it is…..
‘Ring-a-ring o’ Roses…
someone wants to play,
Who’s not playing the game?
Now someone must pay.’
‘Jen Harper likes to play it safe. She is settling into life on the outskirts of a sleepy fishing village with her little boy, Danny. Life by the sea – just how she wanted it.
When she meets Andy, she feels the time has come to put her baggage and the scars of the past behind her. Then she is introduced to Scott, Andy’s best friend, and is stung by his obvious disdain for her.
Why is Scott so protective of his best friend?
What is the dark secret that threatens all of them?’
In her attempt to find answers, Jen must confront her demons and push her relationships to their limits. By digging up the past, she puts Danny and herself in danger.
Will she succeed in uncovering the truth before they all fall down?

Cat Hogan was born into a home of bookworms and within spitting distance of the sea. Her father, Pat, a lightship man, instilled in her a love of the sea and the stars. Her mother, Mag, taught her how to read before she could walk.
Writing, storytelling and a wild imagination is part of her DNA.
In a recent interview with http://www.writing.ie
Cat explains her route to publishing:
‘I thought I would be the next Marian Keyes (who doesn’t want to be the next MK), but my mind had other plans for me. I finished it at the end of June 2015. I got my agent in August.
Poolbeg were the first to come back and offer me a two book deal, in November. I chose Poolbeg because of their logo- I had my lighthouse after all.
I had grown up with lighthouses, I visualised a lighthouse on the cover of my first book, my publisher’s logo is a lighthouse and now we are in talks to do a whistle stop tour of all the beautiful lighthouses of Ireland where I will write my second, and with a bit of luck, my third book. One day, I will write an epic adventure about sailors on the high seas, but for now, I’m going to continue to chase the lighthouses and the dreams that come with them!’
Read full interview here :
Cat always remembers the words a wise man once said to her:
“All you need is this, Cat- talent, a little bit of luck, and the ability to hang in there.”
So far, so good!!
Cat is currently in the process of completing her second novel and is one extremely busy writer, with plans for a third one in the pipeline.
Having read They All Fall Down I am looking forward to Cat’s next novel.
In the meantime keep reading for my review.

They All Fall Down – Book Review:
Jen Harper, recently single, is preparing for a new life for herself in a house she has inherited from her Aunty Pat. The house is located in a small fishing village, a village Jen has grown up in and is very familiar with.
She sets out a life for herself and her young son Danny, but also has to accept another presence in her new life, the lodger Andy.
Before her Aunt passed away, she made a private deal with Andy. He was to remain in the house until the end of the year.
Both Andy and Jen carry scars from separate traumatic events that happened earlier in their past lives and as the book reveals, these secrets are eventually shared.
They All Fall Down is a novel involving quite a cast of characters.
Jen is a very popular girl in the village with some very strong friendships. Sal, her childhood friend, and Tess, the local publican, have been her rock in hard times. These friendships are tested to the limit in the novel, as Cat Hogan writes about how a rather unusual individual, Scott Carluccio Randall is introduced into the mix.
Scott Carluccio Randall, a playboy from Dublin, is an old college friend of Andy’s. They have been through quite a bit together over the previous years and Scott is particularly protective of Andy. Scott lives the fast life – women, cars, drugs – but Scott is not all he seems.
There is something rather off about Scott. His behaviour borders on the psychotic at times and yet he has the ability to deceive and play the part when called upon.
Is Jen the only one to see through him?
To see what really delves in the dark part of his soul?
In the novel, Cat Hogan gives some wonderful descriptions of the sea and you can almost visualize yourself at these, sometimes dramatic, locations. We also get to see behind the gates of life in the Big House, at a garden party hosted by Scott at his estate.
Interspersed with all this lies an underlying evilness. Jen must fight against this evil with all her inner strength. Frustratingly, at times, her friends seem completely blinded by the actions of one person and Jen seems to be the only sane one among them.
Will Jen be able to protect herself and those she loves? Will the truth prevail?
You will have to pick up a copy of They All Fall Down to discover this for yourself.
They All Fall Down is a high-quality debut from Cat Hogan, but yet told in an almost storytelling manner, as though the author is recounting the story to the reader in person!
There is a sinister plotline encompassing the whole story, but what also shone through to me were the obvious parallels with Cat’s own life – the food, the music, the banter around the table with friends. It’s always nice when an author delves into their own lives and shares a little with us.
To purchase a copy of They All Fall Down…here’s the link

They All Fall Down Blog Tour continues on 26th September with Joanne over at:
You can follow Cat Hogan on twitter @Kittycathogan