Today I am joined by new author and book blogger Abigail Osborne, who has just written her debut novel The Puppet Master, which was published in August 2016.
Abigail kindly dropped by for a wonderful Q & A where we find out a little more about what makes her tick…..
Welcome Abigail!!
First of all I would love to learn a little bit about Abigail Osborne, the person. Can you share with us a sneak peak into your life?
Of course, well, I’m 26. I work as a Needs Assessor for disability students going to University. I’m married to the laziest but most wonderful man and we live in Birmingham with our two cats. So I’m quite boring really.
A fellow blogger I see!! Your blog ~ ‘Many Books Many Lives’ ~ A great name!!
Where did the inspiration to start reviewing books come from?
Thank you! I’ve wanted to review books for a long time. In fact my husband even set me a website up about four years ago but I could never bring myself to actually post any of my reviews. It was last year that I just managed to convince myself that it would be a really nice experience to get my thoughts out there and it really is.

The Puppet Master, a psychological thriller, is your debut.
‘Manipulated by fear and love…could you cut the strings and take back control?’
What is the concept behind the story Abi?
The concept behind the story is that there is more than one way to manipulate someone. That our emotions can be used to control us. Unfortunately, there are people out there that are extremely intelligent and they know how to hide their true intentions by presenting the face that they want people to see.
But I also wanted to show that they don’t always win.
It’s a genre you obviously have a great passion for. Who would be the main literary influences in that genre that inspire your writing?
I do love thrillers. I read such a lot of them. I find the anticipation of working out what is going on very addictive. Ooh that’s a good question.
I think I’d have to say that the writer’s that I’d love to be as good as in this genre is Caroline Mitchell and B A Paris. I love the sinister tone they are able to achieve in their writing and if my book is half as good as anything they can write then I will be very happy.
Outside of Psychological Thrillers, who would be a few of your favourite authors?
Oh that’s hard. So many.
I love Harlan Coben, Linwood Barclay, Jodi Picoult, Barbara Erskine. I could go on, and on and on and on haha 🙂

You recently completed your first Blogtour with The Puppet Master. How was that experience?
Terrifying and rewarding in equal measures.
The fear in the morning as I logged on to my computer to see what people thought of my book was terrible. But I was lucky that all of my reviews were incredible. I think because I read so much, I didn’t really know how my writing would be received as I am only 26 and I haven’t done any writing courses so I felt a bit of a fraud to be honest.
But reading the Book Blog Tour has given me a boost of confidence.
Now when I talk about my book I don’t feel like an imposter I feel really proud that I’ve written this book and that it is doing so well considering I’m an unknown author and have done it all myself.
What’s next for Abi Osborne ~ writer, blogger, wife, dreamer of Whales!!!
Haha – I feel I should explain!! I have a vivid imagination that comes out a lot in my dreams. I recently had a dream that I had to look after my mum’s pet Killer Whale while she went into hospital and I had to get in the water and feed it with a syringe whilst someone held the lead. Very strange I know.
Well I’m working on a few different ideas. Another thriller, some novella’s about characters from The Puppet Master and also a romantic comedy. So hopefully a lot once I’ve got them all finished!!
Quick Fire:
Favourite Vacation/holiday ~ America (Florida Harry Potter World)
5 Favourite movies ~
Robin Hood – Prince of Thieves (Alan Rickman one)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Racing Stripes
Favourite Season ~ Summer
Kindle or Paper? ~ Paper.
Back of a receipt or a special notebook? ~ Special Notebook

Book Blurb:
‘Manipulated by fear and love…could you cut the strings and take back control?
Billie’s hiding from the world, believing it to be the only way to take control of her life as she lives in fear of the man who nearly destroyed her. But what she doesn’t realise is that she’s exactly where he wants her; isolated and afraid.
A chance meeting with budding journalist Adam sparks a relationship that could free her from the terror that controls her. But will Adam be able to see the real Billie buried under her terror and pain?
Adam knows exactly who Billie is and is determined to expose her and get justice for the lives she ruined. But first, he needs to convince her to open up to him but as unwanted attraction and feelings blossom between them, Adam is forced to realise that all is not as it seems.
Most of their lives have been unknowingly governed by the desires and needs of someone who considers himself their master. He has influenced and shaped them for years, meticulously weaving a web of lies and control around them.
Can Billie and Adam survive the betrayals in store and cut the strings that bind them?
One thing is for sure. The master wants his puppets back – and he’ll do anything to keep them.’
Purchase Link : The Puppet Master