How do you escape a life of conflict and abuse?
Today I am delighted to join Irish writer Sharon Thompson on tour with her new release, The Healer.
Described as ‘a dark historical crime fiction novel’, The Healer has just been published with Bloodhound Books. This follows on from her first, The Abandoned, which was launched as a Number 1 Best-seller on Amazon Kindle in 2018.
Sharon dropped by for a chat today and to share with us all a little about The Healer and her #writinglife

Sharon we would love if you could share with us a little about yourself
I love hearing/reading about authors but I didn’t realise how hard it is. How much do people really want to know?
I live in Donegal, Ireland. I’m married, with one dog. My family are elsewhere in the country, so I travel to visit them and we like to travel out of the country when we can. Socialising and meeting people is something I enjoy and social media takes up a good part of the day too! I’m involved in charity work and patient advocacy projects. I co-founded a writing tweet-chat on twitter and an online writing group and all of this keeps me content and busy.
When did you decide you wanted to become a writer?
It’s hard to believe I’m a published author. Unlike other writers, I didn’t know I wanted to be a writer. I wrote in diaries and loved English at school but I never dreamt I’d be published. Writers to me were exceptionally clever folk, who studied the classics and literature. I merely was an amateur cook and real writers were Master Chefs with Michelin Stars.
I did a copywriting diploma and various writing courses, joined writing groups and contributed avidly in their challenges. I’ve practiced and worked very hard to be a writer and I should be proud of how far I’ve come. But then again they say pride comes before a fall?
There’s also a regular column of my work on weekly at Woman’s Words on Donegal Woman website. I also do a list of monthly book releases for two online magazines and This has helped me get readership and grown my profile. It is all very exciting.
Developing my website with a designer made me feel more professional. ‘The Abandoned’ my first novel launched as a Number One Best-seller on 27th January last year and is connected to this my latest novel ‘The Healer.’
Where do you write?
I have a big old-fashioned desk at a large window in our living room, and I sit there with my dog close by. It looks out onto the messy garden and I can see Lough Foyle too. It’s a great space, which isn’t always tidy as I work, but at the end of each day I try to keep it clutter free.
When do you write?
As a full-time writer, I’m exceptionally lucky to be able to spend all day writing. There are distractions of course but I try to work ‘office hours’ and then sometimes I write all day at weekends too. If I am in a flow of consciousness I can usually let it all onto the page and just tell my poor husband to let me be. However, there are times when I stare at the blank page and spend too long on twitter. I also love that I can take time out to go for lunches or trips.
How did you approach writing your novel?
I wrote The Healer in a linear way. Each chapter followed the next I then would re-read and edit the scenes before I would start each day – but it was a fairly straightforward process. Each scene followed the next until I had a first draft. I used Scrivener but I am still getting to grips with it. Molly knew what she wanted and where she was taking me. I adored writing this book.
Did you not know the ending then?
No. I never do. I am a panster. I don’t do plotting well. I’ve never fully known an ending, until I get there. Even in short stories I love not knowing. It is part of the fun for me.
Where did the idea come from?
I like historical crime fiction. In researching women in the past with criminal records, the Abandoned my first novel evolved from many of the life-stories I read. Molly McCarthy was a secondary character but many readers asked about her. In starting a book about a child with unusual gifts and abusive childhood, Molly appeared back to me. I was delighted!
Are there any themes you’d like to tell readers about?
Molly took me on some journey. Her life covers many crimes and is undoubtedly a dark read. Angels live with us in the dark and Molly has her own guardians. I hope that this adds a sense of light to her world. Music features in this novel and this surprised me. Euthanasia and murder and the lines between the two are blurred for Molly, as they are in the world today.
I didn’t set out to explore this or the other gritty themes, but again Molly’s life materialised and she leads me, and hopefully the reader, through a roller-coaster of emotions.

[ About The Healer ]
How do you escape a life of conflict and abuse?
Being a young girl in 1940’s Ireland isn’t easy for Molly, especially since she isn’t like others. Her family and community are wary of the beautiful child.
As Molly becomes a teenager life gets harder and she loses faith in everything.
Molly is surrounded in danger. She must make choices. But will she chose the right path or is she doomed to a life of misery? Will she survive in a world of violence and crime? Will The Healer ever be healed?
Purchase Link ~ The Healer
[ Bio ]
Sharon Thompson’s debut crime novel ‘The Abandoned’ launched as a Number 1 Best-seller on Amazon kindle. Sharon writes crime fiction, short stories and commercial fiction. Sharon’s short stories have been published in various on-line magazines. is her new online writing group.
She is a regular contributor to Donegal Woman, Self Starter magazine,, and Ireland’s leading writing website
Sharon also co-founded a trending, writing tweet-chat, called #WritersWise.
Sharon’s second, dark historical crime fiction novel ‘The Healer’ is out now.
Social Media Links:
Website ~
Facebook ~
Twitter ~ @sharontwriter

Enjoyed the Q and A with the author! <3
Thanks so much Holly. Delighted to hear that x
Great Q&A!
Thank you
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thanks admin