I am so very used to chasing up authors and publishers for guest posts and Q & A’s, that an unexpected message recently threw me completely.
Sharon Thompson, author of The Abandoned, but also with a hand in many pies, asked if I would write a guest post for a new website she was setting up, www.indulgeinwriting.com
Initially I was a little reluctant, but Sharon, with a little coaxing and with some extremely complimentary words, talked me into it…..
I have included the link below to my *ahem* Guest Post, as well as some information on Sharon’s new website….please do check it out..

My Guest Post >> “Completely unexpectedly, I received a message from Sharon Thompson asking if I would consider writing a guest post for a new website she was setting up. What was so surprising is that, I am normally the one stalking writers for content posts for my own site. What do I do? I am a book blogger…….” Continue Reading my post HERE
Who and what is #indulgeinwriting ?
#indulgeinwriting is an exclusive network of writers.
Connect with established and establishing writers. Have real, sustained support at your finger-tips from those who ‘get writing’.
Join our wonderful community for links and expert advice on writing and getting published.
Build your writing life and #Indulgeinwriting.
- Meet writers who have succeeded in their writing careers, those who write for pleasure and those who are on the road to publication.
- Hear, see and learn skills from established people in the writing industry.
- Network and build your writing CV/brand.
- Have access to private social media forums for tips and feedback on your pieces.
- Establish your social media networks and expand your knowledge of writing.
- Enter group writing contests.
Read More >> https://indulgeinwriting.com/
Twitter ~ @sharontwriter